San Francisco Salt Company - Epsom Salt Detox Bath

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath

The San Francisco Salt Company imports and manufactures sea salts for cooking, spa, personal bath, and sports therapy uses.

The San Francisco Salt Company is the fastest growing salt company in the U.S. as reported by the Inc. 5000 list of 2016 Fastest Growing Companies, retails salt to many float therapy centers (a growing industry in the US), and is rated on the Bizrate 2016 Circle of Excellence.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath

San Francisco Salt Company was founded in 2002 by founder and president, Lee Williamson.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath

The company's mission is to raise awareness to the benefits of natural sea salt - to harness the power of the ocean and enhance well-being, from the inside out.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath

The company carries a range of salts includes Epsom Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Pacific Sea Salt, Smoked Salts, and Kosher Salts.The gourmet selection includes Oriel Teeling Whiskey Smoked Sea Salt from Ireland, Sherpa Pink Himalayan, Ultimate Blend, Fluer de Sel, Cherry Smoked, Black Truffle, and more. The bath selection includes Sleep Lavender, Muscle Soak, Detox Soak, Zen for Men, Bubble Fun, and more. These products are available for retail and wholesale.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath

  • Inc. 5000 List of Top Growing Companies (2016)
  • San Francisco Business Times Fast 100 List (2016)
  • Bizrate Platinum Award (2016)
  • Bizrate Circle of Excellence Award (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
  • Good Manufacturing Practices Certification (2015)

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath
GMP Certification

The Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Certification verifies that products manufacturing is held at quality standards. GMP evaluates materials and equipment used to create the product, the premises product is created in, and staff hygiene and training. Systems are placed to ensure that quality of each product produced is met. San Francisco Salt Company has been awarded this certification.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath
Salt History

Salt has maintained its importance throughout the years because it is essential to the human life. Before 6000 BC, the Chinese began the first-ever tax on salt as a source of revenue for the government and the Egyptians were extracting salt for trade. These methods were later adopted by other countries. In areas like Tibet, salt was being pressed together into bars and stamped with images of the emperor as currency. Even the American government is noted to have once paid soldiers in salt brine instead of money.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath
Salt Origin

Salt is extracted from two main bodies of salt, rock and sea.

Rock Salt

Rock salts originate in mines, which are a result of evaporation of earlier seas. These bodies of salt have been around for millions of years. Salt mines have the capacity to hold more than 350,000 tons of salt at a time. Salt is extracted from these bodies through "cut and blast mining" or "continuous mining". "Cut and blast mining" requires cutting holes into the rock and charging them with explosives. "Continuous mining" requires using a machine to extract chunks of rock. Both processes are completed with crushing the extracted pieces to achieve small grains. Sherpa Pink Himalayan Salt and Epsoak Epsom Salts are both rock salts.

Sea Salt

Sea salts originate from saltwater bodies. Salt evaporation ponds are used to evaporate and extract salt from these water bodies. Sea salt is most commonly used for cooking. Some popular sea salts carried by the San Francisco Salt Company are Fluer De Sel, French Grey, Lavender Rosemary, Cherry Smoked, and Sriracha sea salts. Sea salts are also used frequently in the bath salt industry.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath
Epsom Salt Uses

Epsom salt is pure magnesium sulfate. It's known for its health benefits which relieve muscle stress and restore muscle energy. Sulfate is known to help remove harmful toxins from the body, improve absorption of nutrients, and form joint proteins. Magnesium has been proven to ease stress, improve sleep, and boost concentration. San Francisco Salt Company carries a full line of Epsoak Everyday Epsom salts along with the Epsoak SPORT Epsom salts which have additional benefits for athletes.

San Francisco Salt Company  - epsom salt detox bath

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